Virtuoso Musician and Actor



A collection of videos - some old and some new - of John playing sometimes solo and sometimes with friends and long-time musical partners.

You can also see videos from the Scarlatti series of shows and also videos of Brass Tracks.

Latest Videos

Arrival of Queen of Sheba

at the Edinburgh Botanic Gardens.

A&B Together

Eleven videos produced by Marjory Boyle Crooks:

Red Alba

John and friends play some Russian-inspired tunes

Der Lustgarten by Hans Hassler 1601

with John playing all 6 Recorder parts


John playing his legendary two-recorders-at-once composition -



John and Pat O'Connell playing

The Blessing Nigun


John and Robert Pettigrew playing

The Dark Island



John playing Hallelujah at the Hay Festival during his performance with Carol Ann Duffy

Bruntsfield Baroque

John with Vickie Hobson and Frances Scott as the Bruntsfied Baroque Trio

Galician Carnaval

with Pat O'Connell on piano


John plays selection of

Tielman Susato's music


John and friends playing

Calder's Way


John playing

Crumhorn tunes from his Cullen Skink CD

Gemshorn Gem

Ye Banks and Braes

John at Hay Festival

Musical extracts from his show with Carol Ann Duffy

and the only tune anyone ever knows for the Posthorn

Heart and Stone

Rab Handleigh and John playing Rab's hauntingly beautiful composition Heart and Stone at the climax of the play of the same name

Fairy Dance

John and Pat in concert in Germany with their scintillating version of The Fairy Dance

Pat and John playing on German TV in 1995

Video of Logan Botanical Gardens with music by John

Video of John singing/playing Soldier Blue and Last Post from 1993 show Funny Money

John playing recorder on a piece called St Kilda, Soay with Mrs Weatherby's Concert Party

John with Carol Ann Duffy at the Edinburgh International Book Festival 2019

Lady Godiva

This was a short animated film that was made in 2009 and shown in UK cinemas as a prelude to the main films. John composed the music for it and played all the instruments as well as singing.

John playing recorder with the Philomusica of Edinburgh in St Mary`s Cathedral in 1999 - Bach's Brandenburg Concerto no. 4, last movement